Park City Private Yoga
Park City Yoga
Specializing in Private Yoga Sessions in Park City
Experiece yoga as a personal, guided journey to health and wellness. In working with our talented and dedicated instructors you will learn yoga practices which best serve your health and well being. Our instructors will costumize each private yoga session to the clients level of practice.
Some people have needs that are not met in group yoga classes. Our instructors will build a complete yoga program to best support your health requirements and spiritual aims.
Examples of client issues: Stress reduction and managment, slipped disc and sciatica, hypertension, cancer, arthritis, allergies and athzma, knee pain, neck and back pain, digestive problems and spiritual development.
New to Yoga?
If you are new to yoga and feel uncomforable participating in group classes, personal sessions will help you learn at a pace that suits you.
Develop a Home Practice
Private yoga instruction is ideal for anyone who wishes to develop a home practice. A private yoga consultation includes an evaluation of your health profile and goals, strategies to make your home practice consisitent with your lifestyle.
Deepen your current yoga practice or just get started with yoga. Contact Now and Zen for your personal yoga coaching. Sessions are available in your home, hotel or condo for your convenience.
60 Minute Private Yoga Session- $110
90 Minute Private Yoga Session- $130